Saturday, September 12, 2009

Overwhelming emotions flooding..

Why is it that all events turn out like this? Not wanting to sound emo at all, I shall try my best though the topic is a lil' distressing and heavy.

I've recently read my friends blog and figured that most of us is living in virtual agony though we're leading seemingly different lifestyles. In spite of what preceded, we wore mask that no revelations of true self passed.

Why is it that we cannot bond as like before, hanging out just to eat and chat? I think what we need the most currently is just plain hanging out because we're oppressing our feelings and its gonna flow/gush out someday.

The sight of it? Not very nice I predict.
The scary thing is that my premonitions for the past few years have hardly been wrong except for lottery purposes. lolz.

A lil' humour for all the stress.. Let us all wish for a better tomorrow ahead of us!

1 comment:

  1. now i know why no one wants to grow up.

    it's a shitty feeling.

    more freedom u would say, equals to more responsibility.

    think if we're gonna pour our hearts out someday in that usual prata shop, we would get so emo.

    that mask wasnt on pretense for me. it just kinda got me out of the stupid life i'm having. esp when we meet up so little...we wouldnt want it wasted sobbing through tissues eh?

    maybe we shld have another getaway trip. where are those photos...did we have them all??

