Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The gift from above

It all happened last night. And I still get the *shivers*.


The night was evidently so fine. Browsing through sites, watching vids etc. when suddenly I heard "SPLAT!". It wasn't even "plop", it was "SPLAT!".
Scared the hell out of me though.

I turned around and then this "thing" stared at me. Straight into my eyes.


*looks up*

and I regret almost instantly. A huge fat "brother" of the one that fell off the ceiling to my keyboard.

*frozen with ma-mouth agape*

horrifying isn't it. thankfully both were gone when I was still in shock.

what a wonderful night. :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Starving and yet can't sleep!

I'm going crazy!

right now

Can't seem to stomach any food when I'm hungry at late nights and yet I can't just "plop" down on the bed and *Zzzzz* as I used to.

It's so hard to survive a time like this. I need help!

*twinkles finger*
inner self: sleep, sleeeeeeep. SLEEEEEP!


Nitez to those who manages to rest their minds and body and souls.
I'm so effin' jealous!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kukup photos...



kukup_picking fish

mini crab

Just look at the tiny lil' crab my cousin is holding.. awwww~



At last.. I'm proud to say that I drew this.. but of course the credit should also be given to Sally for she took this picture. lolz. *she'll kill me if I don't credit her*


Friday, September 18, 2009

I am certainly certain.. Blahhhh..

I haven't been blogging recently.
Certainly certain that I have no spare time to do so.


Excuses are pretty scary. You can actually get use to giving them so frequently and actually not mind.

Got to be fair right? If someone were to give me an excuse I can just see it right off that bloody face. I'm trying hard to not have that bloody face plastered on me. haha.


Just got the pictures for our Kukup trip from my cousin house today.
Will upload them soon. I suppose.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My bad. rofl



I know I should have but I didn't because I forgot. four Is in a sentence, hmmm..

About the sofa incident, I sorta forgot to credit the help I received!


You know, thunder scares me..
Thank you darryl and poh's beau Joey. Without your help, I wouldn't be able to get rid of the lumpy shit out of the door.

p.s. to show my gratitude, you are welcome to acquaint your butt with the sofa I have now. rofl

Hits hard! real hard

Ooops. Ooops. Ooops

Righto. And

Realization isn't pretty when ugliness surface every more often than beauty does.

So I've slept and wasted all my years. Every monday, tuesday, wednesday etc. Basically everyday that I live.
Although I have been misunderstood by many, the lazy bones in me reacts just because there is more fun in doing nothing than something. So. there you go.

If judging is instincts that were instilled when we were young. Put me on death parole then. if you are that almighty that is. Grrrrrr
I'm stubborn and I act like a child. bite me.

I'm a horrible, horrible person. And am feeling angst-y.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Overwhelming emotions flooding..

Why is it that all events turn out like this? Not wanting to sound emo at all, I shall try my best though the topic is a lil' distressing and heavy.

I've recently read my friends blog and figured that most of us is living in virtual agony though we're leading seemingly different lifestyles. In spite of what preceded, we wore mask that no revelations of true self passed.

Why is it that we cannot bond as like before, hanging out just to eat and chat? I think what we need the most currently is just plain hanging out because we're oppressing our feelings and its gonna flow/gush out someday.

The sight of it? Not very nice I predict.
The scary thing is that my premonitions for the past few years have hardly been wrong except for lottery purposes. lolz.

A lil' humour for all the stress.. Let us all wish for a better tomorrow ahead of us!

Cute guy in my house!!

Juz wanna add this pic.. my lil' toddler cousin..


Friday, September 11, 2009

Curse the Flu bug

I curse, I curse and I curse..
Gastric flu is terrible and though not as bad as the one I got 2 years before, I still hate it like I did then..

Symptoms 2 years ago:

1. Diarrhea
2. Vomit (blood and stuff)
3. Gastric

Symptoms now:

1. Vomit
2. Gastric
3. Fever
4. Running nose

Its better because there's no involvement of blood but I've got 2 more problems.. And I puked 9 times in a day!!!
1am, 3am, 5am, 6am, 8am, 12pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10.30pm

I wanna be better this instant.. May the magic land on me..

Saturday, September 5, 2009


*drum roll*


Pizza!! Lil' sis got her 1st payout and we're ordering pizza.. Since she's footing the bill and trusted me to order, I SHALL NOT BE SOFT on her!!


After throwing the old sofa set out the "door" last night, the new one said hello today! :) Sadly I was the third one to sit on it and not the first cuz I was sleeping like a log while it arrived and my mum conveniently allows me to do so as long as she gets to lay her butt on the newly arrived member 1st.

If anybody thinks that I'm childish its because I take after my mum. Lolz.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Drawing faces.. KARMA

No wonder people often say "be smart, don't act smart". But we will never learn if we never err ya?

Lesson 1:

1. never try to bring on new ideas if it hasn't been certified safe
2. do not insist if some mysterious warnings shows (eg. lack of materials, which in this case ; eyeliner)
3. when friends have the sinister look plastered on their face. Be afraid and never said you were never warned.


Von's birthday celebration was the day that I learn my lesson. Probably because we had some drinks that night and I have that sudden crazy thought. Suggesting to draw faces with an eyeliner got to be the dumbest thing I've ever said remembered. Almost everybody got drawn except for ting and darryl who has some skin issues.. Lucky them..

I couldn't even recognize myself that night.. Lolz..

Me: will you have enough of the remover for all of us?
Hui: should be.. But you'll be the last to use.. *evil smirk*
Me: I should have the first priority cuz I look the worse!
Hui: That's why you're last..

And for revenge.. I shall post a picture of hui and von too!! muahahahaha

3 bitches

All I can say is great night and alcohol clouds your mind.. HAHA