Friday, August 28, 2009

Sharing a diabolical plan OUT LOUD!

YOU must be thinking "Oh! You're so brave in saying it out loud" or "You're truly sinister and I admire your courage. Kudos".
Muahahahaha.. Not taking the fact that hardly anybody I socialize with knows of this blog for granted, I shall share my plans.


1. Trick my cousin SB into believing that the suspension is not in the least scary. (he has fear for heights like I do, acrophobia. I need companion too!)
2. Hypnotize him even if I have to. (pls note that I've got no experience and the chances of the hypnosis going wrong is 99.9%. I donn't think he wants to risk that)
3. Co-operation needed. Bribe my sister and other cousins, CP, SA and EL.

I've always wanted to try and feel like Indiana Jones.

SB, you and I are gonna scream our lungs out. I know because I already saw the picture of the suspension bridge in Kukup. hahaha

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