Friday, August 28, 2009

Knock us out?! nah...

Me: Stop playing already, every new games never ends till half an hour later.
El: Gonna start drinking now?
Me: *Such an alcoholic* yes, but I think SA is bathing.


Staying over at cousin's house is the best retreat cause you know that your parents are not gonna nag at you for not doing "anything". BUT not when your parents tags along, which is like NOW.
Okay, so we're leaving for Kukup the very next morning. Not exactly sure when because I'm a follower and am proud of it. :)


Drinks, I sometimes do wonder where the attraction lies but its a beautiful mystery. SA claims that she has some new mixes.

SA is finally out.. gonna go.. SA loves u all :D muacksssssss! XOXO


Sharing a diabolical plan OUT LOUD!

YOU must be thinking "Oh! You're so brave in saying it out loud" or "You're truly sinister and I admire your courage. Kudos".
Muahahahaha.. Not taking the fact that hardly anybody I socialize with knows of this blog for granted, I shall share my plans.


1. Trick my cousin SB into believing that the suspension is not in the least scary. (he has fear for heights like I do, acrophobia. I need companion too!)
2. Hypnotize him even if I have to. (pls note that I've got no experience and the chances of the hypnosis going wrong is 99.9%. I donn't think he wants to risk that)
3. Co-operation needed. Bribe my sister and other cousins, CP, SA and EL.

I've always wanted to try and feel like Indiana Jones.

SB, you and I are gonna scream our lungs out. I know because I already saw the picture of the suspension bridge in Kukup. hahaha

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My days before..

Yay! First post and am reminiscing my childhood rebellious seemingly "cool" acts.. Guess I'm feeling bored strapped in my home, refrained from the worldly beauties temptation from out my window..

I remember how:

1. I hated my dad's present in the house..
2. I back stabbed my Lil' sis ( a lil' perverse entertainment of mine that I really enjoyed..)
3. Stayed out late even when I know that my parents will be upset and that my mum will stay up late just to make sure I'm safe at home, though I think she's
gotten used to it now.. Haha.. okay, it's suppose to be sad cuz I'm still bad.. Woohoo, rhyming is my forte..
Never knew it, Ah! talents.. *dreamily staring into space*
4. Visiting shopping malls for leisure activity because it's air-conditioned and not to mention.. The sun is not exactly my best-est friend and don't judge me because I'm tanned.
5. I refused to take interest in the newspaper except the Life section of it.. But I do know that my dad means well.. Word power really do matters..

Jen: sorry for not listening, when you said "read the paper, I'm trying to broaden your knowledge and share my views".

Rejection is personal.. How it breaks your heart.. *brrrrr trust me to say that.. My anti father spirit have appeased through the years of maturity but not when I'm peeved. :)

That's all! Can't really think that much now cuz you know it's late. 2.29 am gosh, and I'm still online. Cheerios